Greetings » Welcome Address of the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation М.S.Oreshkin
I welcome participants and guests of the XVI All-Russia Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia". The Forum is held annually and has firmly and justifiably gained the right to be regarded as the main platform for discussion of methods and tools of strategic planning.
This time, the focus is on implementation tools and resources. In response to limited resources, both financial and human, the search for new mechanisms to implement strategic plans and achieve the desired level of economic growth is playing an increasingly important role.
First and foremost, it is necessary to improve the implementation of federal and regional projects, and to restart investment activities in the regions. For this purpose, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia is actively developing initiatives on project financing and attracting private investments in traditional public sector: transport, social and engineering infrastructure.
A person plays the key role in success of a modern economy, especially under existing demographic constraints. Therefore, developing human capital and potential of each person along with creating a comfortable learning and scientific environment is our priority line.
I am sure, that discussion of strategic planning issues at all levels will help us to develop prospective mechanisms for solving challenge of acceleration the rate of economic growth.
I wish all of you a fruitful work!
XVII All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders ©