On September 3, the International Consortium “St. Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for Urban Environment – Leontief Centre” showcased the Strategic Planning Leaders Forum Programme in Hamburg and invited the participants of the Russian-German SMEs Partners Meeting to attend the Forum.
The Forum presentation took place at the round table “Cities in the Circular Economy - City of Tomorrow” within the Partnership, and also at one the round tables of the International Trade Fair for Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology (SMM 2018).
Forum Green Day partners also showcased the St. Petersburg initiative – International Platform “St. Petersburg Urban Eco-Cluster 2030”.
Today the platform brings together seven St. Petersburg transnational and cross-border cooperation projects, including those presented at the event: Cities in the Circular Economy – City of Tomorrow, Clean Shipping Project Platform, SmartUp Accelerator and AREA 21. The projects aim to implement 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030 and the CBSS Baltic 2030 Action Plan.
The information on development of the flagship project “St. Petersburg Urban Eco-Cluster 2030” as an international cooperation platform will be provided for participants of the round table “The Green Vector of Technological Breakthrough: Nature-Like Technologies – the Best Available Technologies (BAT) and a Circular Economy”, which will be held on the first day of the Strategic Planning Leaders Forum.
XVII All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders ©