The balancing principle of a strategic planning system means alignment and balance of strategic planning documents with priorities, goals, targets, activities, indicators, financial and other resources and timeframes, and is of particular importance for providing unity, cohesion and continuity of the strategic planning system at all levels of the Russian Federation at its forming stage.
A single ontological standard in strategic planning: what should it be? What should be the basic decomposition scheme for goals, targets and indicators, used for strategic management purposes? Is decomposition a key element in building coherent, balanced and single system of strategic planning?
Organizers: Department for Strategic Development and Innovation at the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Center for Strategic Research
Any registered Forum participant can leave proposals for inclusion in draft Forum recommendations (upper right button Proposal).
Gaynulin Denis, The Ministry of economic development of the Russian Federation. Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Development and Innovation
Balobanov Alexander, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Head of the Department
Simachev Yuri, Higher School of Economics National Research University. Director for Economic Policy
Pisareva Olga, Fund "Center for Strategic Research". Expert of the CSR, Head of the Department of the State University of Management
Klimanov Vladimir, Institute for Public Finance Reform. Director
About balance, consistency and integrity of strategic planning documents
Kutukova Elena, Representative office of the Arkhangelsk region to the Government of the Russian Federation. Vice-Governor of the Arkhangelsk region - Head of the representative Office of the Arkhangelsk region to the Government of the Russian Federation
If you want to leave proposals for inclusion in draft recommendations, fill in the fields below.
XVII All-Russia Forum of Strategic Planning Leaders ©