
Round Table
Applying Cluster Approach to Develop Interregional and Cross-Border Cooperation


Modern realities of interregional cooperation make it necessary to transform cooperation formats from advisory bodies to a practical project stage. The project approach in international cooperation is becoming the flagship. In this regard, there is a need to apply a cluster approach to the regions and to identify the competitive strengths of the trade and economic sphere.

Organizers: Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Coordination Council on Cross-Border and Interregional Cooperation in the North-West Federal District, ANO “Strategic Partnership “North-West”

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Karpichev Evgenii, Office of the Plenipotentiary Envoy of the President of the Russian Federation to the North-West Federal District. Aide to the Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy

Kapyrin Igor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Deputy Director of European Cooperation

Karelina Irina, ICSER Leontief Centre. Director-General

Danilov Leonid, Association of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia. Deputy Director for the projects and analitical work

Industrial clusters - an effective mechanism for the development of border regions

Zazimko Vadim, Association "Composite Cluster of St. Petersburg". Executive Director of the St. Petersburg Composite Cluster Association

Composite Cluster of St. Petersburg - the Experience of Interregional, International, Intercluster cooperation. Design Basics

Gasiak Andrei, Autonomous Nonprofit Organization “Specialized organization of industrial cluster ”Composite without borders”. Executive Director

Interregional industrial cluster ”Composite without borders”

Andrianova Natalia, EnergoMarket. General Director of the Specialized Organization of the Cluster of Innovation Development in the Energy and Industry

Cluster of Innovation Development in Energy and Industry. Opportunities for cooperation projects

Pitirimov Nikolai, International Consortium "Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for Urban Environment". Member of Board of Directors of international consortium ”Saint-Petersburg Cleantech Cluster for urban environment”

Interregional and cross-border cooperation. Eco-Cluster 2030

Anikeeva Marina, State Committee of the Pskov Region for Economic Development and Investment Policy. First Deputy Chairman

Cluster Approach to develop interregional and cross-border cooperation: the best practices of the Pskov region

Kolosova Elena, Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme. Project Officer

Interreg Baltic Sea Region: project platforms for capitalisation

Yli-Knuutila Helinae, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. Senior Specialist

Applying Cluster Approach in Cross-Border Cooperation Programmes between Finland and Russia

Heikkinen Hannu, Regional Council of Kainuu. Planning Director

Project KO1029 Barents Regional Transport and Logistics

Shapovalov Vitalii, Partnership North-West. Executive Director


If you want to leave proposals for inclusion in draft recommendations, fill in the fields below.


Vatfa Syuzanna Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Advisor, Unit for Development of Interregional and Cross-Border Cooperation, Department for Development and Regulation of External Economic Activities
Danilov Leonid Association of Clusters and Technology Parks of Russia. Deputy Director for the projects and analitical work


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